WHAT IS ETSY? - Etsy is an online marketplace where individuals can buy and sell handmade, vintage, and unique goods. It was founded in 2005 and has since become a popular platform for artists, crafters, and vintage collectors to sell their products. Etsy allows sellers to create their own online storefronts, where they can list their items for sale, set their own prices, and manage their own inventory. Buyers can browse through a wide range of products, including jewellery, clothing, home decor, art, and more, and can purchase items directly from sellers on the site. Etsy has become known for its focus on supporting independent artists and small businesses, as well as its emphasis on sustainability and ethical sourcing.
HOW DO I SHOP ON ETSY? - Here's how it works:
When you find an item on Etsy that you would like to purchase, click the "Add to cart" button. An Etsy basket, also known as a shopping cart, is a feature that allows buyers to collect items from different sellers into a single order.
The item will be added to your shopping cart, and you can continue browsing the site to add more items to your cart.
If you decide you no longer want an item in your cart, you can remove it by clicking the "Remove" button next to the item.
Once you have added all the items you want to purchase to your cart, click the "Checkout" button.
You will be taken to a page where you can review your order and make any necessary changes, such as updating quantities or adding a coupon code.
Next, you will need to enter your shipping address and payment information.
Finally, review your order one last time to make sure everything looks correct, then click the "Place your order" button to complete your purchase.
When you place an order on Etsy, the seller will receive a notification that you have purchased their item(s), and they will begin processing and preparing your order for shipment. You can track the progress of your order and communicate with the seller through the Etsy platform.